Airports simulate regularly unforeseen incidents and review procedures to be well prepared for emergencies. For this reason, a crisis simulation was organized on Tuesday, 30th of April 2019 at the Cargo area of Luxembourg Airport.
The purpose of such a crisis simulation is to train and improve the interaction of the parties involved at an airport.
As a result, an emergency scenario has been conducted at Luxembourg Airport according to the guidelines of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
The exercise was organized by lux-Airport, the aerodrome operator, together with its partners: Air Navigation Administration (ANA), Administration de l’Aviation Civile (DAC), Cargolux Airlines, the Corps Grand-ducal d’Incendie et de Secours (CGDIS), LuxairGroup , the Police Lëtzebuerg and Customs (Administration of Douanes et Accises).
An emergency scenario was rehearsed with priority given to human rescue, the operation of care areas and limitation of possible damages. There was no impact on operations especially.