Lorenzo Ramazzotti, a young pilot from the “Young Pilots Luxembourg” group, affiliated with Aero-Sport of the Grand Duchy, will carry the colors of Luxembourg in the Young Pilots Air Hop Tour de France. This competition will start on 16 July in Clermont-Ferrand.
The competitors will fly over Orléans-Bricy, Nevers, Chambréy-Méribel, Phalsbourg, Compiègne and will finish on 31 July in Saint-Valéry.
Organized by the French Aeronautic Federation (FFA), the event brings together 45 young people from 18 to 24 years old who will compete against each other in both ground and air trials.
Three other young pilots who are also members of the “Young Pilots Luxembourg” group will participate in another international competition called “Air Navigation Race”. This one will take place from 26 to 28 August at the Biel airfield in Switzerland.
Good luck to all these young Luxembourger pilots from Lux-Airport!