Luxembourg Airport certified first in Central Europe for its COVID-19 preventive measures by the ACI Home » News Posted on September 14, 2020August 21, 2022 International recognition for airports prioritizing health and safety measures From left to right: Alexander Flassak, Finance Director & Head of Real Estate Development lux-Airport, René Steinhaus, CEO lux-Airport und Tom Goris, Director Operations lux-Airport Luxembourg Airport is the first airport in Central Europe certified by the ACI Health programme Certified the excellence of the preventive COVID measures at lux-Airport Preventive measures at LUX are aligned with the industry’s best practice to fight COVID-19 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Luxembourg airport has been one of the early adopters of the protective measures against the spread of the Corona Virus. Luxembourg airport has proven to be prioritizing health and safety measures to cope with the “new normal” travel business right after the re-start of air traffic in Luxembourg. Moreover, the industry’s association Airports Council International granted lux-Airport with the ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) programme. The certification proves Luxembourg Airport’s alignment with the ACI Aviation Business Restart and Recovery guidelines and ICAO Council Aviation Restart Task Force recommendations and industry best practices. The protection of lux-Airport’s passengers and staff’s health and welfare has been a top priority from the beginning. Protective measures have been implemented physically: the social distancing guidance, physical protections, the automated hand sanitizers and one of the first airport test stations with day one of the restart. Still, as well as non-visible measures such as the air conditioning exchange with fresh air every 30 minutes and the procedures’ adaptations have been implemented. The health certification AHA of the Airports Council International to lux-Airport reassures passengers and staff using the airport’s facilities and confirming that lux-Airport’s efforts are harmonized with the industry’s best practices and of professional excellence. René Steinhaus, CEO lux-Airport, said: “The accreditation to the ACI Health programme is very important to us, especially since the ACI is providing the standard for airports and developing with them the best practice. I want to express my thanks and gratitude to ACI Europe and ACI International for the excellent cooperation in the COVID-19 crisis. Together we helped passengers to be reassured about air travel.” Find out more about the ACI Health programme by visiting the ACI Website at