lux-Airport strives to act sustainable not only when it comes to environmental topics, but to take
responsibility for its surroundings and people. For many years lux-Airport supported sports, social
projects and culture. Here are some insights about lux-Airports engagement recently.
Welcoming home sport champions 2023

Luxembourg is a small nation with a strong drive for sports. And this drive could be seen on the 26th of June, when we welcomed home the national Special Olympics team! In addition to the Special Olympics team, those with an attentive eye might have also noticed Jennifer Warling in the group photo. Jennifer is a three-time medalist, including gold, in the women’s kumite 55 kg event at the European Karate Championships. Coincidently, as we patiently waited for our national Special Olympic team to arrive home it was made known that Jennifer would also be arriving, after competing, at the same time! The arrivals hall was packed with friends, family and fans, even a local band came to play as the athletes walked through arrival hall doors! Upon returning, the team and Jennifer were welcomed with cheers, hugs and a complimentary breakfast, sponsored by lux-Airport. Additionally, RTL also joined to cover the event as well as, interview several of the athletes. Overall, we are lucky to have such incredible sports talents, cultivated here in Luxembourg!
Donations 2022
This year, along with every year, lux-Airport continues to show support to a plethora of charitable
organizations. This year we have chosen to contribute a total of €6.000 to three hand-picked
charities we would like to aid. It is important to bear in mind, though, that the support these charities
provide should not only be highlighted during Christmas but instead every day of the year. Stëmm
vun der Strooss, SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg, and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – all provide
essential services that we believe should be accessible to everyone.

Support Cancer Research:
More than 3.000 adults and children are diagnosed each year in Luxembourg with cancer. The NGO
Télévie supports cancer research, especially leukemia in children. Started initially in Belgium, Télévie
extended their operations in 2022 to Luxembourg. Since then, private individuals, companies, and
communities have collected money on different occasions. The highlight of each year is the “Télévie
Dag” when selected communities collect cash and compete in fundraising. In 2022 lux-Airport
contributed 8.000 € to the campaign of Niederanven, which raised 321.000 €.

Support of sports activities 2022:
- AB Contern Basketball Club –
- IWTP 2022 by Luxembourg Ladies Tennis Masters –